Students learning about dry ice

Students in Mrs. Hanson's and Mrs. Cowan's classes had fun exploring science through dry ice experiments. Students were able to pop "smoke"-filled bubbles that were created when the dry ice was submerged in water and dish soap. It's always fun to see the smiles on students' faces when they are experiencing the joy of hands-on learning.

Students learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry iceStudents learning about dry ice