DLSEC Health Services

COVID-19 (Revised March 1, 2024)
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revised its guidelines regarding COVID-19. COVID-19 is classified as a respiratory virus. DLSEC will follow the current recommendations for what to do when you are sick available by clicking here and additional information by clicking here. You may also be interested in the progression of CDC updates relating to COVID-19 available by clicking here.
DLSEC students and staff should observe the following CDC guidance regarding when a person should return to school or work after having a respiratory virus:
When you may have a respiratory virus...
Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.*
You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). [Fever is defined as temperature of 100° Fahrenheit or higher.]
When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.
If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse after you have gone back to normal activities, stay home and away from others again until, for at least 24 hours, both are true: your symptoms are improving overall, and you have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Then take added precaution for the next 5 days. (https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/prevention/precautions-when-sick.html)
The Texas Department of Health has ruled that students be current with immunizations in order to attend school unless an exemption has been filed with the school in accordance with Texas Education Code, Health and Safety, Chapter 38.0001. The nurse will notify the parent or guardian when an immunization is due. However, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that the immunization is received and that documentation is provided to the nurse. If a student is not in compliance with the state requirements then exclusion from school will be necessary until the required immunization is received.
Immunizations and flu shots may be obtained from your family physician or from your local health department.
Exemptions to Immunization Requirements Chapter §97.62 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) describes the conditions under which individuals can seek exemptions from Texas immunization requirements. Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, active duty with the armed forces of the United States, and reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. For information pertaining to exemptions or to request an exemption, visit: DSHS Texas Exemptions.
Tips to Prevent Colds, Flu, and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Contact Us
DLSEC Health Services team includes the following members:
Amy Whaley, BSN, RN, Nurse Supervisor
Sandra Brazil, RN
Bridget Hairell, LVN
Ramón González, CNA